Some Of My Projects
More can be found at my github
Greg's Assembler In C
My Retargetable Assembler
Currently targetting MC6809 and HD6309 processors.
Plans to support other vintage 8-bit cpus (6502, z80, etc)
- Built with:
- C
Tool I developed to workaround my microphone automatically lowering it's volume.
- Built with:
- Python
Macro keypad to simplify repetitive or complex keystrokes
Comprised of keypad firmware with companion desktop application to receive and transform inputs.
- Built with:
- C++ (Arduino)
- Rust
- Python
This Website
This site is a place to provide information about me and my projects.
- Built with:
- CSS (+ Bootstrap)
- Javascript (+ jQuery)
Operating System
Operating system I'm writing to learn more about how they work.
Currently only at the bootloader phase.
- Built with:
- C
- x86 Assembly (AT&T and Intel syntax)
Arduino SRAM Library
Arduino library to interface with Hitachi HM62256 static ram modules.
- Built with:
- C++ (Arduino)